We've got a new voice.
The Climate Achievement Network = T-CAN
Educate with climate facts, and invite action everywhere.
A TV/Radio/Online Network to galvanize action?
Let's bring the entire world together to create a global paradigm shift.
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Welcome to T-CAN...
The Climate Achievement Network
Scientists, engineers, the media and academia are doing their part.
Now, let's bring on board millions of ordinary citizens.
Educate as you entertain; ask each one to take part in the cure.
Create a virtual space for millions of people to come together to learn, to discuss, to debate, to challenge the norms — and to act. You and like-minded people worldwide could transform the conversation. You could move legislatures to legislate, and polluters to yield the field.
ON AIR - The Climate Achievement Network
What if a TV / Radio / Online Network was launched whose purpose was to galvanize climate activism, truthfully relate the science, support Climate Emergency candidates and initiatives, and educate global audiences?
What if T-CAN was also entertaining, and provided a visible, tangible home for the enterprise? What if it included comedy, drama, debates, movies, and book reviews — all more or less relevant to the Climate Emergency?
What if T-CAN featured engaging messaging, known personalities, authors, scientists, engineers, teachers, professors — and classrooms by day, variety shows at night?

Photo by Vanilla Bear Films on Unsplash
What if the network produced Climate Emergency spots and aired them on all major networks? A grain of truth would be heard, and an invitation to drop by T-CAN to join a lively presentation would be tendered.
What if T-CAN was supported and energized by creative people, universities, producers, climate scientists, activists, politicians, movers and shakers, dreamers and futurists, and artists and musicians — as well as a world-wide audience of viewers in every country?

What if a diet of timely information told the story of the Climate Emergency and the remedies for Climate Change in clear and brief presentations? What if it educated the public about the science and about current or planned remediation efforts? What if it spelled out real solutions and a call to action?
What a great place for a car manufacturer to market their latest sleek, affordable, fun and fully electric or Hydrogen CNV automobile!

Could we invite millions to support the Trillion Trees Initiative with their voice, vote and pocketbook? Picture live feeds of trees being planted everywhere, with a beloved reporter conversing with planting teams in the field.
Could we turn the tide on indifference? Could we actually inform the public as to what is happening, and what it will take to counter the Climate Emergency tidal wave?
In Psychology, the "Diffusion of Responsibility Principle" is exemplified by you coming upon the scene of an accident. If there are many others passing by, you are likely to leave it for them to provide aid. If it's just you, then you're likely to stop and lend a helping hand.
We all feel that the scientists, engineers, politicians and well known climate activists will shift the balance, and turn the tide. The little known secret is — while they must certainly be involved — it is only the public that can demand the type of broad spectrum response from governments and corporations that will make a difference, and in a timely fashion.
It's long past the time that the Climate Emergency is viewed as a left or right issue. If you care about the future, it's your issue.
Let's raise awareness, invite participation, and promote doing the right thing for our world.

Let's make T-CAN a reality, and therby create a groundswell of activism among the public.
Let's channel that energy into caring, commitment and timely results for everyone's benefit. This initiative could powerfully alter the entire vector of the Climate Emergency. |

Do we really need a new
system to control wildfires?
A global FireDrone navy
will end wildfires everywhere.
Spend to save the planet you live on.
Scale up to meet all climate emergency challenges. |
Ideas whose time have come. |
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Photo by Levan Badzgaradze on Unsplash • It's not just the fire we need to pay attention to... it's also the CO2 being launched into the sky that will do us grave harm for decades to come.
What will this cost?

If we don't stop the world's forests and tundra from burning, the sheer amount of their newly introduced CO2 and Methane may push our planet past the tipping point.
We may not be able to stop that event if we wait too long to act. The timeline in which this event may occur is in this decade or the next.
It may be a catastrophe from which we may not recover. There is no cost too high for us to bear to check this dynamic.
It will take a World War II mobilization mentality, and if Fire Drones can prove themselves in a testing environment,
then we just might be able to reverse
this coming catastrophe — along with
many other bold methods and
large scale remediation technologies
to do the same.

The next time you see a news video of a forest being consumed by flames, appreciate the damage being done on the ground of course, but as importantly, consider the gargantuan volumes of CO2-weaponized smoke being injected into our skies.
That Carbon Dioxide will stay in the sky for hundreds of years if not removed, and there it will do its malevolent work of making our planet hotter and drier with each passing day.
Current wildfire fighting methods are costly — and become more ineffective with every passing year. Due to a warming climate, fires occur over a longer season, and ravage more area — by far — than ever before.
A global FireDrone platform will be costly.
Two benefits will justify the mission.
ONE - "Stop a fire while it's still small."
Fire Drones will put out a forest, prairie or tundra fire fast, anywhere in the world they may occur, and just as importantly, they will never allow any wildfire to get out of control.
TWO - "Plant forests the world over."
By preventing forests from burning, we will greenlight the planting of vast new forests.

The fact is that we are unable to do that now, as forests are unnaturally burning due to insufficient protection from a continually warming and wildfire-conducive atmosphere.
There are many organizations working on and promoting global reforestation. With a FireDrone safety net in place, those plans and efforts become more viable.
Fire Drones will permit unlimited new forest planting and growth, which will remove billions of tons more CO2 every year from the atmosphere than the current global forest range is capable of removing.
A vast expansion of our planet's protected forested areas will be among the top tier solutions reversing
Climate Change.
A one-two punch that nips CO2 release in the bud by quelling nascent forest fires — and offers protection for new forest ranges — may significantly reduce CO2 pollution.
As more Fire Drones are introduced and new forests planted, the rate of CO2 removal will accelerate with every passing year. Along with other large-scale sequestration methods, a time may come in the near future when average global temperatures reverse course and start to come down. |
United States • 48 contiguous states 30-year temperature
compared with 20th-century average

"The average temperatures for 30-year “normal” periods for the contiguous United States show the country getting hotter since 1901. Here, each 30-year period is compared with the average temperature for the entire 20th century. From 1991 to 2020, average temperatures across most of the country were at least 0.6 degrees Celsius (1 degree Fahrenheit) higher than the 20th century average." SCIENCE NEWS
Building out an effective FireDrone fleet will be expensive.
Benefits of quashing wildfires and lowering the CO2 load may be worth it.
Comprehensive production of Fire Drones and Base Stations around the world will cost hundreds of billions of dollars.
Once that money is spent and the system built out, ongoing costs for repair and replacement, personnel, bases, insurance and operations will demand healthy sums to keep the fleet flying.
It sounds expensive until you... |
...consider the cost if we don't build dynamic solutions.
Climate Change creates more severe droughts through a vicious cycle.
"Greenhouse gas emissions trap heat, causing air temperatures to increase. The hot air absorbs more moisture, resulting in less rain. Hotter air also increases evaporation from lakes and rivers, reducing water sources. Without rainfall, the plants that retain moisture in the soil die.
The bare earth creates even drier conditions. When it does rain, water just runs off without absorbing into the water table.
Dead vegetation, warmer air, and decreased rainfall also increase the frequency and severity of wildfires." THE BALANCE
What part will firefighters play in the brave new world of Fire Drones?
It can be our societal intention to support all those who fight the fire today to continue to perform their traditional role.
There are approximately 1,100,000 career and volunteer firefighters in the US. They respond to approximately 40 million fires of all types and descriptions a year. Additionally, fire fighters of all stripes respond to millions of medical emergencies every year.
Many skills will be needed to insure a continuing smooth and successful mission: to preserve and protect our forests, prairie, tundra and communities.
Tens of thousands of selfless professionals will also be the first invited to transition to support and management roles on FireDrone bases.
Ground based personnel will still engage in the reduction of forest fire fuel by thinning forests and removing underbrush as well as responding to millions of small and locally accessible forest fires yearly.
Those efforts alone — currently severely understaffed — will provide meaningful employment to counterbalance any negative effects due to the introduction of FireDrones.

The number of wildfires in the US alone averages between 50 to 80 thousand each year. Most are small, and are managed by current technology. The big ones, however, are now in a class by themselves, and cannot be quelled with yesterday's methods alone.
Fire Drones will handle the small fires that computer projections indicate will likely spread before ground crews could effectively quash the nascent blaze.
Our wildfire-fighting expenditure and methodology currently produce only marginal results quelling large and out-of-control blazes, when compared to the FireDrone goal of stopping a fire within two hours of its birth.
With every passing year of our globe warming, return on fire-fighting investment diminishes.
That is no reflection on the millions of men and women who courageously fight the fire and bravely stand in harm's way to protect us.

What about
return on investment?
Fire Drones perform their task
day and night, 365 days a year.
When there is a call to action, they mass, fly and get to work. Except for routine maintenance, repair and inspection, they're tirelessly on the front line and on the job.

Fighting fires is an expensive business. That's true of aircraft and Fire Drones.
Building out a global FireDrone armada will be costly. However, we do have an effective model for their deployment active today, and certainly one which will continue to be on the job in years to come: a fleet of helicopters, prop planes, air tankers, jet aircraft— and thousands of fearless professional pilots, crews and ground support / maintenance teams.
Airplane Water Drop
Airborne tech is now and has always been expensive. The purchase cost of fire-fighting aircraft is in the millions of dollars each.
US$ operational costs for aircraft such as the AirCrane, the CH-47D, the CH-54B, and the Boeing Vertol 234 are approximately $24,000 base rate per day, plus $7,500 additional per hour. That data is from 2016, and the costs may be considerably higher today, especially considering the proliferation and wider geographic extent of today's wildfire carnage.
So too will the costs of operating sufficient numbers of Fire Drones.
In order to be effective, Fire Drones will have to be produced in the hundreds of thousands in order to cover all continents, and the northern tundra.
Fire Drones will relieve aircraft from certain types of nascent fires— the ones that computer models indicate won't yield to a ground and aircraft assault on the fire zone.
That could happen when there is insufficent airborne water-power to extinguish the blaze; or, too many fires are happening at one time and the available aircraft are spread too thin; or, the fire is inaccessible by ground crews, and aircraft power by itself might be deemed inadequate to control huge firestorms.
Aircraft technology and ground assault alone are now simply no match for the size, power, and all-important rate of spread of today's out-of-control wildfires and ever larger firestorms.
The current fleet of fire-fighting aircraft and armies of ground crews will all become more effective as they partner with Fire Drones in efficiently engaging the coming ominous larger wildfires and firestorms.

Helicopter Water Drop Public Domain Image
How do Fire Drones differ from current aerial wildfire fighting methods?
Current wildfire fighting technology relies on ground and air attack. That air attack — utilizing helicopters and aircraft features a noteworthy and effective track record of service. A warming sky, however, has now altered those dynamics.
Human-piloted aircraft and ground crews alone are unable to attack fast enough and in sufficient numbers to win the battle against many of the ever larger wildfires and explosive Firestorms, and that's when Fire Drones can arrive and get to work to assist with the effort.

Fire Drones will be mass produced.
Every wildfire will receive hundreds of water-heavy FireDrones in any location in the fastest time frame possible. They will not require human pilots, and that removes an entire layer of cost, risk and complexity from the system.
Fire Drones have no exposed rotors, and can fly into a forest— not just above it. Fire Drones can take risks that helicopters can't— as there are no humans aboard. Fire Drones can be deployed in remote areas — like the northern tundra — where human pilots would be scarce.
Firedrones, like the forests they are sworn to protect, are easily scaled up.
To think in terms of scale is one of the factors which separates Fire Drones and forests from nonscalable climate proposals. FireDrone production and implementation, based on the principle of scaling up to whatever number of units is required, might actually halt worldwide forest wildfire decimation in its tracks.

A FireDrone Racing to a Wildfire At 180 MPH
Like Tesla's brilliant system of updating automobile efficiency through automatic updates and downloads, so too will Fire Drones have hundreds of technicians creating valuable code improvements and disseminating them.
Transitioning away from fossil fuels is making a difference right now.
In 2019, emissions caused by our energy usage were flat. For the first time in a long time — and before the pandemic — we had evidence that transitioning away from coal and other anthropogenic fossil fuel energy sources was having a significant impact.
That's good news. It demonstrates that what a global society does clearly makes a difference. IEA
That does not mean that the CO2 load in the atmosphere is decreasing.
All of our burning — whether from homes, cars, factories, or our looming yearly increase in firestorm frequency, lengthening season, and geographic range — will continue to add to the CO2 that's already up there in the sky.
Fire Storms alone present the likely possibility that the welcome lower levels of atmospheric CO2 introduction seen in recent years are about to appear as a temporary blip, as increased CO2 levels come roaring back.
Please consider one important concept: If we allow the world's forests to be destroyed, we will also have crossed the point of no return. If you know that, you also probably know you'll have to raise your voice and demand action.
Our climate is growing warmer, and forests are drier than ever before.
Today's wildfires occur with greater frequency, are more powerful, spread further, destroy more habitats and burn longer than any in the last 12,000 years.
Similar to a raging Category 5 hurricane, they destroy everything in their path...

In addition to rising temperatures, winters are shorter and milder, resulting in much less water runoff from mountainous higher elevations, which creates drier soil and vegetation — conditions more conducive to ignition. Shorter winters favor invasive insects, which further impact a once robust forest's resilience. FOREST SERVICE - US FEDERAL GOVT.

Warming Winters In The U.S., 1896-2018
- The annual rate of increase in atmospheric Carbon Dioxide over the past 60 years is about 100 times faster than previous natural increases, such as those that occurred at the end of the last ice age 11,000-17,000 years ago.
- The ocean has absorbed enough Carbon Dioxide to lower its pH by 0.1 units, a 30% increase in acidity. US CLIMATE.GOV
Every forest fire acts like the flue in a home fireplace. As the intense heat rises, surrounding air is sucked into the vortex. This creates violent lateral wind drafts which further exacerbate the conflagration.
These winds can be 10 times stronger than what would be considered normal. With warmer temperatures, and dryer forests, this devastating vicious cycle is more potent and prevalent than ever. SCIENCE - HOW STUFF WORKS
Pristine forests, tens of thousands of species of plants and animals, habitats, homes and towns, are decimated. Many plants and animals face extinction from wildfires alone.
Australia, Brazil, Canada, the European Union, Russia, the United States, and other nations and fire-prone regions in the world are reeling from the extreme cost of fighting firestorms.

45% of Russia's territory is forest, and much of it is remote and inaccessible.

Greenpeace reports that nearly 21,000 square miles of Russian forest burned in 2019 — just slightly less than the area of the entire US state of West Virginia.
21,000 square miles equals 13,440,000 acres. GREENPEACE
Russian authorities dispute these figures.
Perspective on how enormous an area that is: Manhattan is just 23 square miles.

Fire prone regions blanketed Russian cities in smoke for days at a time. Russia is poised to be an area with much to lose as their forests burn, with every coming year consuming larger areas. Concurrent with that, untold amounts of CO2 have been and will continue to be released — all of which will drastically accelerate everyone's global warming.
In 2017, the expenditure for fighting forest fires in the US was US$ 2.9 billion; the insurance claims totaled $10.4 billion.
In 2018, the California CampFire blaze alone caused a staggering $16.5 billion in damage, with total economic losses in the state approaching $400 billion. ACCUWEATHER
"The biggest reason for the cost increase is that fires are getting bigger. As of November 24, 2017, the average size was almost 175 acres. The prior record, in 2015, was slightly more than 140 acres. Before 2005, fires burned less than 100 acres." THE BALANCE

The shocking 2019 fires in Australia are historically unprecedented. They covered the largest area ever recorded, and were three times the size of the largest California fire. This fire has been linked to Climate Change.
Hundreds of Australia's unique species of animals have become extinct, and sadly many more face extinction, as a direct consequence of this unrivaled inferno. SCIENCE NEWS
The California fires of 2020 are the largest and most devastating ever recorded in the USA.

California is on fire. 2020
"California is on fire. Almost 2.5 million acres of land have burned there so far this year — nearly 20 times what had burned at this time last year — and the wildfire season is far from over." Sept. 9th, 2020 NY TIMES
"As of the end of the year [2020], nearly 10,000 fires had burned over 4.2 million acres, more than 4% of the state's roughly 100 million acres of land, making 2020 the largest wildfire season recorded in California's modern history." FIRE CA GOV
With rising temperatures, these stats can only trend higher with every passing year. US NEWS
California's famed Redwoods — the tallest trees in the world, and its majestic Sequoias — the largest tree on Earth by volume — suffered significant damage.
Redwoods are somewhere in the range of 800 to 1500 years old. Approximately 10% of them burned in 2020, taking with them habitat for millions of plants and animals, killing countless numbers of those animals, and laying waste to an entire ecosystem.
Without Fire Drones to stop these fires cold, the years ahead will be perilously much worse. If the only job Fire Drones had was to save these particular forests, it would be worth our earnest concern and investment.
A FireDrone umbrella will stop Redwoods and Sequoias from becoming extinct.

Image by Waldkunst from Pixabay • "Redwoods In The Mist"
Fighting fires with the combined efforts of current tech blended with FireDrone systems can meet the challenge.
The past few years have abundantly demonstrated that the rate and ferocity of wildfires is greater than anyone anticipated.
We would be foolish if we did not extrapolate that the coming years will be even more hellacious. Among Climate Emergency issues, the explosion of wildfire intensity, range and extended season may be one of several important challenges to face head on.
Fire Drones partnering with aircraft and ground crews could be the future of fighting forest and tundra fires. Within just a few years, with concerted effort, hundreds of thousands of Fire Drones could be mass-produced, and base stations could be constructed all over the world at a rapid and ongoing rate.

The dark green areas at the top and bottom of this Cambodian city represent all that is left of a once pristine forest. NASA PHOTO
Forests are being decimated all over the world. Forests are what will save us.
Seen on a granular level from space the patches of area where forest used to be — and are now replaced with a palm oil plantation or feedlot or citification — is startling. This tragedy is metastasizing.
Some consider our forested lands' decimation by fire unfortunate, but they don't feel it will affect them. What they don't know is that our forested lands are the main event. Their preservation and dedicated care are number one on the list of tasks we must accomplish to prevent a climate armageddon.
Consider that once a forest has burned, its capacity to absorb CO2 is greatly diminished.
With FireDrone technology brought to scale, and a commitment made to its constant improvement, the initial investment and ongoing costs will be well-justified.
Regarding Climate Change caused by forest, prairie and tundra wildfires, Fire Drones are a dynamic solution worthy of investigation.
A global FireDrone network will preserve the beneficial natural sequestration of CO2 by forests and tundra, and reduce the rate at which Earth's atmosphere is warming.
Sea level rise is now happening faster than ever. Forest preservation by Fire Drones could slam the brakes on that dynamic by prevention of CO2 release.
"Global mean sea level has risen about 8–9 inches (21–24 centimeters) since 1880, with about a third of that coming in just the last two and a half decades. The rising water level is mostly due to a combination of meltwater from glaciers and ice sheets and thermal expansion of seawater as it warms." CLIMATE
If Fire Drones prove to be a viable technology, then so many of the "best case" scenarios can be updated: they can be made much better. For example, the current "best case" scenario of the Paris Agreement will still see at least a 2 meter rise in sea levels.
Due to the scalable nature of Fire Drones, it becomes only a matter of political will from an informed citizenry, a focused prototype effort, intense production commitments, followed by rapid worldwide deployment to scale that may significantly lower that 2 meter prediction. SCIENCE NEWS

Image by Joshua Woroniecki from Pixabay
"Wildfire in western U.S. federally managed forests has increased substantially in recent decades, with large (>1000 acre) fires in the decade through 2012 over five times as frequent (450% increase) and burned area over ten times as great (930% increase) as the 1970s and early 1980s. These changes are closely linked to increased temperatures and a greater frequency and intensity of drought."
United States Dept. of Agriculture - Forest Service - 2014
"An international research team, led by Jean-Francois Bastin
of ETH-Zurich in Switzerland, used direct measurements of
forest cover around the world to create a model for
estimating Earth’s forest restoration potential...
They found Earth’s ecosystems could support another 900 million hectares
(2.2 billion acres) of forests, 25 percent more forested area than we have now.
By planting more than a half trillion trees, the authors say, we could capture about 205 gigatons of Carbon (a gigaton is 1 billion metric tons), reducing atmospheric Carbon by about 25 percent.
That’s enough to negate about 20 years of human-produced Carbon emissions at the current rate, or about half of all Carbon emitted by humans since 1960. The study attracted worldwide attention, as well as some criticism within the science community." NASA - NOVEMBER 2019 |
The extreme cost of wildfires to your health.
NOAA • United States • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

direct emissions • other pollutants formed downwind. NOAA image and tags. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration CO2, Ozone Precursors (hydroCarbons, nitrogen oxides.) Ozone, Black Carbon, Brown Carbon, Secondary Organic Aerosol Particles.
"NOAA’s Policy is to provide relevant research to address the issue.
The ESRL (Earth System Research Laboratory) Chemical Sciences Division is leading the FIREX multiyear experiment, which includes laboratory, field, and modeling research.
The effort culminated in an extensive field study during the peak fire season of 2019
using a chemically instrumented NOAA research aircraft to measure trace gases
and particles." ESRL NOAA

"Breathing wildfire smoke is linked to a whole host of major health problems, such as respiratory infections, cardiac arrest, lung cancer, stroke, low birth weight, mental health conditions, and exacerbated asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
The more scientists study this air pollutant, the more health risks they discover."
"Smoke from wildfires contains
volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds and nitrogen oxides
that form ozone and organic
and other toxic
pollutants – all of which can be dangerous
and even deadly
for sensitive populations."
Current and ongoing research by NOAA spells out the danger that wildfire pollutants pose to trees, plants, animals — and you.

United States of America - Department of Commerce
"The range and payload of NOAA’s WP-3D aircraft are essential to simultaneously study wildfire emissions and downwind aging, and to carry the suite of gas phase and aerosol particle measurements needed to quantify climate and air quality impacts."
Forest fires have always emitted harmful pollutants. What makes the threat to public health so much greater today is the increased range, intensity and frequency of wildfires. NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC
Robust forests — and the expansion of their range — aid in the prevention of pandemics. Scientists have stated that... "Reducing tropical deforestation and limiting the wildlife trade might be cost-effective ways of stopping pandemics before they start." SCIENCE NEWS
The cost of forest fires is measured not only in in terms of acres burned and expenditures for abatement and control. There is also the cost in human misery — property destroyed, neighborhoods burned to ashes, and neighbors maimed, poisoned and killed.

When mulling over that big question...
Stop wildfire proliferation at what cost?
...consider that whatever the proposed remedy, it will only cost a lot more down the road the longer we delay its implementation. |
What you can't see is just as deadly as what you can.
The poster child for Carbon Dioxide release — as well as other Greenhouse Gases — is always the intimidating smokestack. It's a standard meme that goes back all the way to the start of the Industrial Revolution. |
Back then they didn't have names for the pollutants streaming out of those sky-nozzles — but they knew it wasn't good.
Soot accumulated everywhere, Black Lung and other respiratory ailments took their toll not only among factory workers and miners, but also on the inhabitants in close proximity to the source. |

The development of cleaner fuels — especially for cars, trucks and buses — took our attention off of our vehicles. While progress was made insofar as unfettered pollution is concerned, and the effluence is undeniably cleaner, it is arguably much worse as far as ongoing and unseen CO2 release is concerned.
Regarding our perception, nothing has changed since the start of the Industrial Revolution in 1760. Our contemporary smokestacks still bear the brunt of our scorn. And, it's OK to call them out.
But if you take away anything from this presentation, it is that the Greenhouse Gas emissions from our vehicles, our homes and city buildings, our ships at sea, and our high-flying commercial and military jet aircraft all have unwittingly in mind the end of our very civilization.
Practice "seeing" every non-Green car for what it is: A CO2 emitter that in its global aggregate harbors the worst and most prolific pollution source possible— even though we can't see it. |
A promising new technology can now split Methane (CH4) into CO2.
At first hearing that sounds like bringing the proverbial gift of ice in the winter.
Yet, it does in fact make perfect sense. Methane is a much more potent greenhouse gas than CO2, making the transformation both practical and beneficial.
You would go from a Greenhouse Gas that is awful, to one that is just bad.
The world today is focused on what we might be able to do to reduce CO2 emissions, and what we can do to pull CO2 out of the sky and lock it away.
If you have a reliable method to capture CO2 (and we think we do; read about it on Page Five), then scaling up a splitting process for Methane would have us reversing the threat of the two most dangerous Greenhouse Gases all at once.
Detailed info about splitting Methane into CO2 here: POPSI
The Greenhouse Effect, Sun, Reflected back to space by the atmosphere, Greenhouse gases trap the heat from the sun, Sunlight absorbed at surface, Sunlight reflected at surface, Human activities release Greenhouse gases, CFC's and Haloalkane - Refrigerators, Aerosols. Nitrous Oxide - Gasoline, Agriculture. Methane - Cattle, Fertilizer. Carbon Dioxide - Oil and Coal. |
Greenhouse gases make up a tiny fraction of the earth's atmosphere, yet they punch way above their weight by maintaining an equilibrium in moderating the sky's heat balance. Without gases such as CO2, Ozone, Nitrogen and Nitrous Oxide keeping heat from escaping to space, our planet would be unpleasantly cold just about everywhere.
The problem comes in when these gases — produced in large quantities by our modern industrialized and fossil-fuel economy — proliferate way more than nature intended. The result of that proliferation is an unsustainable warming curve. That warming is the basis for the existential Climate Emergency we find ourselves in today. NASA.GOV |
Hey Dad- Why didn't we stop the global warming thing? Jack- Do you have any idea what that would've cost?
Image by icheinfach from Pixabay (Overall apocalyptic tableau) and Image by Pintera Studio from Pixabay (Silhouette of Jack and his fading Dad).
Dark comedy by Warren Selinger.

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Today. Tomorrow. |